We've been reading through John both in church and in our
family worship time, and there's a real distinct trend I've noticed that I
wanted to bring up, an attribute of God that has a lot of implications. This attribute is provision.
Consider, if you will, the woman at the well in John 4. What
is it that Christ offers her? Living
water, capable of giving life. And later in that chapter, when His disciples
urge him to eat, He says that He had "food to eat that you do not know
about." Later, in John 6, we see Christ feeding the five thousand men
(plus women and children), and in John 7:37, we see Him once again offer the
Living Water that gives life. In Mark 8,
we see Christ feeding four thousand in a separate large-scale food miracle.
During each of these cases, the parallel is either a direct spiritual one, or
in the case of the literal physical provision, He uses it to point people to
the spiritual eternal life-giving provision from God. So why the repeated theme
of providing food and drink to the hungry and thirsty, both spiritually and
The answer has several layers, I think. First off, earthly
food is what preserves physical life in us, and the parallel between
life-giving sustenance, and spiritual eternal life, is an easy one to make and
easy for people to understand. You MUST
have the food/drink that Christ offers in order to have true spiritual eternal
life! Second, Christ compares himself to
food in an allusion to the incredible picture that was to take shape later in
the form of the Lord’s Supper. He does
this in John 6:48-51, where he compares Himself to the manna that came from
heaven to feed the Israelites when they were lost in the wilderness
(interesting to note that we were in the same spiritual state prior to
receiving the spiritual life-giving food as the Israelites were physically
prior to receiving the physical provision of food). He was Himself bread from Heaven, come down
to give life to men. This comparison is a very deep one, because it also acts
as a proof of Jesus’ oneness with God.
I was working in our garden the other day, and it occurred
to me that this attribute of God providing food goes all the way back to the
very beginning, when God put plants on the earth. In His incredible design, He created them not
just to reproduce, but to reproduce many times over, thus giving a sustaining,
repeatable food source for us! In the
case of the manna, and later the quail, God took the dire situation of the
Israelites and provided abundant food to renew them. 2 Kings 4 has two more instances of provision
in the form of the multiplication of the widow’s oil, and the barley loaves for
the hundred men. There are so many
instances in Scripture of this miraculous provision from the Lord to sustain
life – it is a repeated pattern with Him.
And this is why these miracles of Christ providing food are that much
more important – because they attest to His Godhood!
While on earth, Christ performed these miracles that
provided physical food to those in need of temporary sustenance, and this was
in and of itself an attribute characteristic of God throughout Scripture. The ultimate miracle of provision, though,
was that by His death and resurrection, the breaking of His body as bread, and
the bleeding of His body as wine, He provided the spiritual food and drink that
our souls must partake of to have eternal life.
Praise God!
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