Saturday, November 28, 2009

Days Gone By...


Why was I born now? Why couldn’t I have been born 85, 180, or 250 years ago? I’ve asked myself that a lot, because it sure seems to me that I would have been more at home in one of those eras! I think many of my friends would echo these sentiments. There are many aspects of those days gone by which time and human nature has chased away, things which should have been preserved. But it also occurred to me as I sat pondering these questions, that perhaps the fact that we would have been more adept in one of those eras is why God put us here today – because the culture of today is a stark contrast to the culture of yesteryear, and it may just be that He put us here to preserve some of the good things, to help carry over the elements of days gone by that should be reborn. The fact that we are NOT at home in the culture of today is why we are here! Because God knows exactly what He is doing… He has placed us here for a reason….


  1. I have asked myself the same question multiple times before ... but I never thought of the answer in that light before. Something to think about... I had to pull myself in hand at one time because I started to get really discontent with my present place in history ...

    Good post! :)

    To the KING be all the glory!

  2. A keen observation my friend, and very good to remember that God has us here, now, for a reason. Being discontent with our current circumstances is basically arguing with God's way of doing things. Almost saying, "Hey God, I don't like what you're doing here. I would be so much better off if you'd done it this way." *chuckle*

    But if you think about it Casey. You might ask yourself if you really would have been content in those days, had you been born then. We know God doesn't change with time. He would have been the same then, the only things different would have been our material way of life. Our possession. Our technology. Culture. All of these things are fleshly, of the world, and created by man. Not by God.

    So if we really are content in Christ, we must remember that we are content in any scenario. But you pointed that out yourself. *grin* I don't have to remind you of that.


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